Paris address book

For whenever you might get there, here are my picks for favourite (and affordable) places to hit in Paris -

La Touristique:

The Palais Royale is well worth finding to take a stroll through it's formal garden and art installations, all wrapped by an arcade filled with vintage stores, galleries and fashionable spots. And, for a respite from all that shopping in the Marais district, make sure to stop in at the Musée Carnavalet. The museum covers the history of Paris, but it's the manicured gardens that are well worth seeing.

Le Shopping:


A hilariously odd department store, and Parisian institution, with a huge hardware filled basement and lots of cheap and chic decor on the 4th floor (I found some fab wallpaper here). Call me strange, but I love to check this place out! 14 rue de Temple

Marche au Puces, Porte de Vanves

My fave Saturday morning antique/junk market, especially since it’s less pricey on the whole than Les Puce de Saint-Ouen at Porte de Clignancourt; it’s totally do-able by the time it’s done (1pm), and has the best selection come rain or shine. Avenue Georges Lafenestre & Avenue Marc Sangnier (Metro Porte de Vanves - line 13)

Habitat and Zara Home

Habitat is a fab UK home store with cool design-y product that’s priced a bit higher than Ikea (they’re owned by them); I could fill a couple of suitcases from this place. Despite the address change Zara's decor store - Zara Home - is right next door and has a fashionable, well travelled vibe and again - inexpensive gear. 30, Boulevard Capucines and 2, Boulevard de la Madeleine


Quite the most glam grocery store you might ever come across, their packaging is extra swanky (love all the hot pink) and their decorated eclairs are magnifique! Place de la Madeleine

Maison Berthillon

An iconic French ice cream maker on Île Saint-Louis, and a great place for a tasty treat after visiting the Notre Dame de Paris cathedral. 31, Rue St Louis en l'ile

Below are snaps of the Palais Royale, the garden at Carnavalet, the Vanves flea market and a window display of those marvellous eclairs at Fauchon.