Once more with feeling

Sometimes seeing a classic re-interpreted just makes you go hmmm, and that's what happened when I saw this shot of Bergere chairs; upholstered in a fantastic tropical leaf print and finished with a black frame and nailhead trim. Will we ever get tired of Bergeres? I think they've transcended the trend and have become part of our current design vernacular so, if you want my two cents, 'no' is the answer to that. 

I have chairs on the brain right now - along with lots of other stuff - since I'm on the hunt for occasional chairs for our new place. On my travels I've spied a pair of 40's-ish side chairs in a local mechanic's waiting room (of all places), that I'd love to get a hold of and re-upholster in African batik. Errr, I just re-read that last sentence and think that I might sound potentially certifiable, lol...

Via Swank Lighting's blog