Thonet-ish and Thonet-redux

This is turning into a bit of a slow slog looking for dining chairs... We need eight in all and have found three so far that fit the bill. Check out the first shot below of the miscreants in question. I'm now constantly on the hunt for chairs (we found one this weekend, yay), but of course I've added a degree of difficulty. The look I want is a mix-and-mash of bistro/diner/cafe style chairs that don't, to my eyes at least, have a hint or country about them. They'll possibly end up getting sprayed white and upholstered in perhaps a silvery gray; all the better to contrast with our rustic scaffold plank dining table.

Thonet chairs would be the total ideal since they're workable, durable and still feel classic, even though they first hit the floor more than a century ago. To drive me entirely bonkers Thonet has gotten together with Japanese retailer Muji and created a chic and simple Thonet for the 21st century, influenced by one of Thonet's original releases; the No. 14 chair. Check out the second snap below, and to read more on the project click here. They'll be available at Muji stores worldwide this Spring, so when we're in London I'll be trying to squeeze one or three of them in the suitcase.