He who ho-hums loses out

10 lighting and furniture stores later I am still nowhere nearer finding the table lamps for my Hershey's Milk Chocolate inspired bedroom. I had the perfect ones withing my grasp, ho-hummed a bit and when I popped back to grab them - Sold! Serves me right. Anyhoo, of course I have a plan B (and C and D too if need be), but those lamps I saw at Flick & Co were just perfect; mismatched creamy white crackle glazed ginger jar-ish bases with matching dark turquoise drum shades. There's a slim chance that a new pair might arrive in time, so fingers crossed.

In the meantime the snap below, from Living Etc magazine (one of my firm faves) is my version of a Tylenol after all that fruitless lamp shopping. That, a square or two of chocolate, a shot of espresso and suddenly everything is copacetic again.