Guest blog / Julia Black: Money in the bank

Julia Black: I often get asked some rather entertaining questions when it comes to shopping for home décor, but nothing quite as kooky as the latest question about piggy banks from an adorably determined 10 year-old kid. Apparently, my sources tell me the kid with the coolest piggy bank wins the popularity vote in school (who knew?). I admit, I hadn’t spent much time tracking down piggy banks in the past, but knew I was onto a winner when I came across the J Schatz Egg Bank. If you’re not familiar with Mr. Schatz, well. I recommend taking a moment for a peek inside his creative and slightly unconventional mind. The clever designs from J Schatz are wonderfully unique, all while being mindful of the environment, using energy-saving production methods and 80% recycled content in their packaging. His handcrafted ceramic earthenware Egg Banks are finished in nine vibrant high-gloss colours, and can store up to 2, 494 coins –a great start for tuition savings, a trip to Disneyworld, a first apartment or even early retirement! Check out all of J Schatz's products here and discover just how fantastic (albeit peculiar) his collection is. Maybe next year birdfeeders will be the new it item for kids, oh, and luckily J Schatz makes those too. 

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