Dark and disconnected

Our hi-speed internet was down for a couple of days this week, and let me tell you dial-up just wasn't doing it for me. So yep, I was feeling a little disconnected, though no less crazy busy - Over the last couple of days I returned all the last bits of pieces from the IDS (had to drive a truck, blergh), worked on a couple of Trendwatches for House & Home, and shot a webinar for a fun upcoming project with Erica Ehm of YummyMummyClub and author Kathy Buckworth. I am so in need of a bit of rest and relaxation...

On the dark side of things, as in colour, I wanted to share a few snaps of my 700 sq ft IDS space - the Ultimate his and her's bathroom - shot by Stefano Barbera. I was asked "Why black?" a fair bit about my colour choices and well, don't you think we've seen enough white bathrooms? The first two shots show the more feminine side of things (yep, that's one of the vintage dressers I'd scored at the Sally Ann and had re-finished), then there's the black wood panelled men's side, and finally that standout polished steel chest from Kravet in the chillout space that connected the two bathrooms.