Bright light, bright light

Today I was going to blog about Jimmy Choo boss-lady Tamara Mellon's swanky NYC apartment that was recently featured in Harper's Bazaar, but then had a last minute crisis about it. The place, designed by Martyn Lawrence-Bullard (who I quite admire), is, errr, perhaps a bit too over the top. Take a look here, over on Made By Girl, and let me know what you think. Is it just me, or is the combo of those snake photographs and a McDonald's meal just a bit icky?

Instead I'm going with this super fantastic new bulb designed by Eric Therner. Eric is a young Swedish designer who had the bright idea to create a 2000 hour 15 watt halogen light that's inside a diamond faceted glass bulb. If you ask me, I think it brings a whole new glam twist to the bare lightbulb trend. [Images: Jesper Lindstrom]