Jack is back

Just got an e-mail from designer Tom Dixon's office this morning, detailing all of the lovely stuff they'll be showing at Milan Design Week in April, and was excited to see Jack making a comeback. The Jack, described as a sitting, stacking, lighting thing, first debuted in 1997. Back then I wanted one - and considered eating cereal for a month or two to save up - and now I think I really fancy one all over again! You can now get your hands on them in either black or white (my money's on the black). Another big deal will be Dixon's collaboration with Philips on Flat Lamp, a collection of OLED lightbulbs. Exciting, since OLED is expected to be the next gen technology that will replace low energy, incandescent and conventional LED bulbs over the next few years. In Canada, check out Klaus by Nienkamper for the full Tom Dixon line.