A couple o' owls

Can I hear a hoot-hoot? Okay, apologies for the punny intro, but owls are just not going away. This morning I caught a behind-the-scenes Facebook snap of some prop owls that Dwell Studio will be using on an upcoming shoot (here), then there are some incredibly cool owl bookends that Indigo will be intro'ing in August - along with the rest of their fantastic new home collection, not to mention Uhu, the cool wall-mount lamp from Contraforma that's pictured below. I caught the Contraforma line at the ICFF and I hafta say, I was super impressed by the Lithuanian crew behind the line.

And then there's the rather sad looking owl vase in that second shot. It doesn't have a name, and has probably been languishing in a shady corner in my mother-in-law's garden for at least 10 years. Well, I decided to stage a rescue, and its now been brought home, washed and is on its way for a bit of a fix-up. So keep an eye out for more owl pics soon!

Off and on

I'm not sure whether it's this unseasonably warm weather (the back door is wide open and Spot is in the garden digging holes to Timbuktu), but my get up and go has got up and went. I'm totally in the mood to start this long weekend early with a quick snooze on the sofa, lol, but in the meantime, there's cool stuff worth sharing! Sprout and Slide are the latest in lighting from Jonathan Adler. The shades, realised in a beatifully matte unglazed porcelain, pick up on his Relief collection of pottery with organic references and simple forms. Lovely. For more on Jonathan, click here to read a 5 quick questions interview with him. And, have you hooked up with him on Facebook yet? Check in here to find tons of behind-the-scenes shots of his work in progress, as well as witty Daily Adlerisms


It's all about that ottoman

That darned Samantha Pynn is at it again, lol. The second season of Pure Design has launched on HGTV in Canada and in the US and, well, as ususal she's making the world way prettier, one interior at a time. Sam's a mate of mine, so I know all about the incredible amount of work she, and her design team (hello Malcolm and Julia!), put into every space. The loft space that was revealed this week has caused quite a stir, and it appears that everyone - me included - is drooling over that delicious striped ottoman. And of course the whole thing is beautifully styled, with a lovely mix of furniture, accessories and art. Yum!

Take a boo below at the before and after snapshots of the space and, for even more Pure Design love, you can become a fan of the show on Facebook here, as well as follow Sam on Twitter here.