Me and Mr Millan

I'm ending Friday as happy as a clam because, yep, Spot and I got the chance to fulfill just about every dog owner's dream this week - Hang out with Cesar Millan, who'd made his first ever trip to Toronto to talk about Swiffer and creating a clean and calm pet - and people - friendly home. But not just Cesar, since his gorgeous and incredibly calm Blue Pitbull, Junior, was also on hand for moral (and hand licking) support. And yes, of course I peppered him with tons of questions on Spot's bad habits which, no surprise, mostly came down to training, and letting our mischevious little Whippet know exactly who's boss...

That first shot shows Spot relaxing in his smart black Chilly Dogs coat before our meet-and-greet. The next shows me and Cesar chatting on the couch (I totally get what he said about not making cleaning stressful, and how your dog can pick up on those cranky vibes). And then the final snap caught Cesar in mid "Tsst" when Junior and Spot were getting a tad too rambunctious. Major thanks to writer/photographer Laura Muir (check out her cool blog here) who kindly came along and took all the pictures.