Socks, hives and dolls

Oh happy day. The folks at CB2 have just launched a new international website that now lets you shop your socks off whether you're in Canada, the UK or India, and a few more places besides. Now, if you fancy a larger piece of furniture you'll still have to give them a call and arrange delivery, which is easy-peasy (I've ordered gear by phone with CB2 on more than one occasion).

Anyways, I thought it would be fun to pick out 3 faves from their current collection. Up first, the award winning Hive stackable storage system. Love 'em and majorly ogled them when I last wandered through a CB2 store. Then, the Matryoshka doll craze continues with these hand painted patterntastic Russian Nesting Dolls. Finally, the Contact stool has such a lovely industrial heft, I'd love to see it as an occasional table as well as for a smart bit of seating. Oh, there's way more, like the Acrylic Tripod Easel which I'm currently trying to convince my other half would be a great addition to the house, but that's another story entirely.


More affordable modern

So have you heard that CB2 has finally announced their first store north of the border? The edgier kid brother of Crate & Barrel is taking on the old Big Bop on Queen West in Toronto as their flagship location, and expects to have the space all fixed up and doors open in early 2011. Yep, not exactly next week (we'll be keeping our fingers crossed it might be sooner) but in the meantime don't fret - CB2 ships to Canada, and you can always use the wait as an excuse to head to either NYC or Chicago to shop one of their stores. Just remember to carry along an extra suitcase.


Julia Black: Pop-Up Colour

In light of all the pop-up shops that have been, well, popping up lately, I've felt a lovely buzz around the city like never before. The only problem is that this dampening, dreary winter weather throws a blanket on all the energy we have. I know, when you look outside it appears cold and grey, but the fix is in, and it's colour! Just look to the latest from folks like Jonathan Adler, CB2, Ikea and BoConcept for tons of helpful inspiration, and decide on a New Year's resolution to get more pops of colour in your life. Have a look below at snaps of BoConcept's collection for 2010. Oh, and btw, BoConcept has a store in Vancouver and are about to open a brand new location in Calgary in the next few days.

To read more posts from Julia click here, and to check out her cool blog click here.

Hot plate

Apologies for not posting yesterday - We had to spend time at the lawerys signing multiple bits of paper for the new house and then I headed off to the airport for a press trip to NY. After an eventful flight (delays, bumps and then a slight near miss) we finally landed and headed in to the city, checked in and immediately went, ummm, shopping. lol

I dragged a few of the gals along with me, and, with an hour to spare before a scheduled meeting, we got a fair bit done. Uniqlo for a bit of affordable fashion, Japanese style, CB2 for a cool slice of modern housewares and furniture, and then one swift aperitif at Balthazar.

CB2 is right up there for me for well-priced gear for the home (and yes, they can ship internationally) - It's always stylish, on-trend and directional. I thought the plates below were hilarious, and at $2.95 would make for a witty and affordable touch mixed with all-white dinnerware. Good thing I'm here with a small overnight bag, otherwise there'd be a ceiling fixture coming home with me too...