Where will you live?

This wall sculpture/candle holder was one of those irresistable finds that I couldn't not bring home. Yes, it's vintage - dated 1970 and made in the USA by Syroco - and is a grand 41" wide and the price, well, when Mike at Mike's Music (who has a vintage section in the basement of his store) said $15 my eyes glazed over and in a flash I was rifling through my pocket to pay for it. Now though, there are issues. It's too big to hang on the fireplace by a couple of inches, and almost every other spot in the house already has something hanging above it. In other words, I have no idea where it's gonna live. In the meantime, while I'm waiting for inspiration to strike, you'll find it leaning on a wall between a velvet painting of Julius Caesar, a Warhol of Grace Jones, and a paint-by-numbers canvas of Madonna.