Yes, we painted the stone

Okay, cue flashback. We're travelling back in time slightly, since the house is thankfully way more organized than you'll see below. To remind you, the Montigo fireplace had been installed, framed and then faced with concrete board while we decided on exactly how to finish it off. Luckily we scored some edgestone tiles that had the perfect look, but a less than perfect sickly pinky-beige colour (ugh). Our solution, which frankly horrified the contractors, was to paint them out so we would be left with the texture of the tiles and a sense that the fireplace and stone surround had always been part of the house.

The before shot doesn't quite do justice to the tile's fugly colour (it almost looks good, lol). The second shot shows the tiles primed (thanks, as usual, to Zinsser Bulls Eye 123), and awaiting a final coat or two of trim colour in a semi-gloss. What do you think? And, if you fancy, click here to see the story so far on the reno.


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