You wash, I'll...

To quote Liz Lemon from 30 Rock - Blurgh! Just when I thought I'd gotten the teatowel collecting monkey off my back (I have, ummm, lots) I find a whole website dedicated to selling the darned things with oodles of fab ones to choose from, not to mention, my sister-in-law has just arrived back from the UK with a cute towel for me that celebrates the beauty of Tunbridge Wells. Maybe I can find a Teatowels Anonymous chapter to join. Oy, read more about my 'problem' and see more teatowels here...

Anyhoo, below are a few of my favs from ToDryFor. I've always have a thing for the firm People Will Always Need Plates, and now I know they do teatowels too, well, we're solid (they're the top 2, Kensal Green and Trellick Tower). And a new line totally worth checking is Mr PS (the bottom 2, Big Breakfast and Cafe Culture) who are way into vintage British caff signage (looove the towel that extoles the joys of a fried breakfast!). ToDryFor happily ships worldwide, just in case you need a teatowel fix as much as I do (lol).