Space invaders

My yesterday started rather early, with making a perfect bed at 5.30am. Perfect, since I'd spent more than an hour ironing sheets, the duvet cover and shams the night before. This, of course, was all in aid of our house shoot. Believe me, there'd be no other way I'd be up at that rather ungodly hour or would ever be caught ironing our linens.

8am hit and photographer Angus Fergusson showed up with a car jam packed with equipment and his two assistants (hi Kim and Jackie), and then Meg Crossley from House & Home arrived and we got to work. Main floor first, catching the kitchen, dining room and living room while the light was with us. Top floor next, working through the master bedroom and office. Then to the basement for the media room and laundry area. Finally, back up to the top floor to catch the master bath. 10 hours later and after lots of can I just move that and love it and crazazy good (thanks Meg for that one) and the shoot was done. Phew. We popped a bottle of Veuve and then headed off to The Tulip for a well earned celebratory dinner (their chocolate cake is crazazy good, lol). 

That snap below shows Angus and his camera crammed into our shower, working on a shot of the bathroom vanity. Unfortunately that's all I can show of the shoot without giving too much away. You'll have to wait patiently to see the results show up on the glossy pages of H&H in 2010, and hopefully - fingers crossed - I'll be able to share all the shots at that point too!