Have it, want it

I made Pear Butter on the weekend, I know, very Martha of me, but we ended up with two bags full of ripe pears from my in-law's garden and I had to think of something. Apparently I'm part of a trend, lol; a new generation getting into preserving, canning and pickling and all that jazz. I have to tell you, listening to my Italian contractors talk obsessively about the best way to make and can tomato sauce (the trick, apparently, is to let the tomatoes dry for a day or two to concentrate the flavour) I'm not the only one. My trick for the Pear Butter (it's all in the pureeing) was the indispensable and goodlooking Ikon Blender from Breville - Check out their line if you're hunting for well-designed countertop appliances.

Otto can't make a smoothie, but how about a shot of espresso? This little guy is the very racily styled  '08 Australian design award winning stovetop espresso machine that has caffeine fanatics drooling. You'll have to sign up online and wait a little for an Americano, since the first orders ship out in November.

Oh and btw, the Pear Butter is delish.