In the details


After a frustrating week with the new house and a bumper crop of deadlines to get through (look for Style Scout in Saturday's National Post, Post Homes section) I could do with a bit of relief. Lawdy I need this long weekend like nobody's business.

Today an e-mail popped into my in-box from photographer Angus Fergusson, who'd kindly sent me through a couple of detail shots - one of the dresser in the bedroom, the other of a shelf in the bathroom - from the Canadian House & Home shoot of our old place. If you flick through the mag (Feb '08) you'll see they didn't make the cut, but still, I thought it might be nice for them to see the light of day. That mirror has travelled with me since the age of 12, when I first started collecting Art Deco, and the shelf in the bathroom is an Ikea classic (the Lack) that we customized with a piece of mirror.